Monday, March 17, 2008

Exellence in Journalism 2008

The Project for Excellence in Journalism yesterday released its 2008 report on the State of the News Media. This always creates some fanfare and it's not hard to find articles on the report today. (e.g. SF Chronicle, Baltimore Sun, Poynter.)

Ironically, or perhaps offering a statement about the state of journalism today, of the two hundred articles thrown up by Google news few are anything more than a republishing of the AP or Reuters story. (And the AP story, at the time that I read it, had a number of typos in it.)

The full PEJ report is available at

Reuters reports "In a study of more than 70,000 stories appearing in newspapers, cable and network television and radio news shows, pieces on the war in Iraq and the U.S. presidential campaign occupied nearly one-third of the coverage.

""The whole rest of the world filled less than 6 percent of all the space," Rosenstiel said. Domestic issues such as education, welfare, religion or labor each accounted for less than 1 percent of coverage."

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